The Portuguese Journal of Speech Therapy (RPTF), a biannual, scientific publication, is the official journal of the Portuguese Association of Speech Therapy (APTF). This publication accepts original papers, applied research or review, on all issues related to communication, language, speech, voice, orofacial motor skills, swallowing and related fields.
All submissions should be made online at RPTF site (click here) together with the author’s declaration (click here). The author will receive a confirmation receipt and a manuscript.
The corresponding author should be the intermediary on behalf of all coauthors in all contacts with the RPTF, during the entire process of submission, review and publication. The corresponding author is also responsible for ensuring that all potential conflicts of interest are taken into account. The corresponding author must also certify, on behalf of all coauthors, the originality of the work, as the paper cannot have been published, in whole or in part, or submitted for publication elsewhere. It is also necessary to obtain written permission from each person mentioned in the “Acknowledgements". (download document)
Original Articles
Article which promotes scientific research performed using appropriate quantitative or qualitative methods.
Review article
An article that presents the critical and systematic review of specific relevant theoretical or clinical issues.
Case Study
Reports of evidence-based practice (cases, conditions, relevant techniques) for Speech Therapy.
Discussion or comment on published materials by an invited expert by the Director of RPTF
Word limits include all text (article, references, tables and figures) and authors should not exceed the following limits:
8000 words for research articles. No more than 30 references; May be accompanied by illustrations, with a maximum of 6 figures/tables.
10000 words for reviews. No more than 50 references; May be accompanied by illustrations, with a maximum of 6 figures/tables.
3000 words for case study. No more than 15 references; May be accompanied by illustrations, with a maximum of 3 figures/tables.
1000 words for editorials. No more than 10 references.
Text should be supplied in a format compatible with Microsoft Word for Windows (PC). Do not submit the manuscript in PDF format. All manuscripts must be typed in 12 pt font and in double space, A4 paper format (212X297mm) with margins at least 2,5 cm, paginated in Arabic numerals. Manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Titles and abstracts must always be in Portuguese or Spanish and English. All manuscripts must be prepared according to APA / Vancouver. Write in a clear, direct and active style.
Manuscripts must include Title Page, Abstract, Text, References, and if appropriate figure and legend. Start each of these sections on a new page, numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.
First page / title page
Title in Portuguese or Spanish and English, concise and descriptive.
In the authors’ line, list the names of all authors (first and last name) with academic and/or professional titles and respective affiliation (department, institution, city, country).
Allowance(s) or grant (s) that contributed to the achievement of the paper.
Address and e-mail of the corresponding author (responsible for correspondence concerning the manuscript)
Short title for header
On the second page
Title (without authors’ names)
Abstract in Portuguese or Spanish and English. Only the information contained in manuscript can be mentioned in the abstract. The abstract may not refer to the text may, contain quotes or references to figures. The abstract should stress in italics and bold its components (Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion). The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
Keywords - a maximum of 5 keywords using the terminology contained in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms),http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html should follow the abstract.
Third and subsequent pages
The text should be presented with the following sections: Introduction (including goals), Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References, Tables and Figures.
Original articles should not exceed 4000 words, excluding references and illustrations.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy and rigor of their references and for their correct quote in the text. References should be included in the body of the manuscript. In references of six or less authors, all should be named. In references with seven or more authors, there should be named the first 6 followed by “et al." For example:
Articles in journals
Matos MA, Jesus LMT, Gomes AA, Cruice M. Avaliação da actividade e participação da pessoa com Afasia. RPTF, 2013,1(0):20-28.
Mendes A, Guerreiro D, Simões M, Moreira M. Fisiologia da Técnica Vocal. 1ª ed. Lisboa: LusoCiência. Dissertations and Thesis
Guerreiro H. processos fonológicos na fala da criança de cinco anos. [dissertação]. Lisboa. Universidade Católica Portuguesa-Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, 2007
Acknowledgements (optional)
Must come after the text, aiming to thank all of those who contributed to the study but do not have the weight of authorship . In this section it is possible to acknowledge all sources of support, either financial or technical or consultancy, as well as individual contributions, not exceeding 125 words.
At the end of the text
It is mandatory to send the tables in black and white at the end of text. Tables should be prepared and submitted in word document in simple format (simple grid), without using tabs or typographical changes. All tables should be mentioned in the body text and numbered in the order they appear in the text. Please indicate your approximate location on the body of the text with the comment written in bold "Insert Table No. 1". In this case, the authors allow a reorganization of tables if necessary. Tables must be accompanied by the respective caption / title, elaborate succinctly and clearly. Legends should be self-explanatory (without resorting to text) - in a descriptive statement. Subtitle / Title of Tables: Placed above the table body and justified to the left. Tables are read from top to bottom. All briefing notes - footnotes (abbreviations, statistical significance, etc.) are placed at the bottom.
"Figure" files can be as many as the paper´s pictures. Each of these elements must be submitted in a separate file, electronic version is mandatory, ready for publication. Figures (photographs, drawings, and charts) are not accepted in word files. TI F format, JPG , AI , BMP , EMF , EPS , PSD and PDF with 300 dpi resolution at least 1200 pixels wide and height proportional. The subtitles have to be placed on the manuscript text file. If the picture is subject to copyright, it is the authors’ responsibility to acquire these rights before sending the file to RPTF, necessarily.
The legend of figures: Placed beneath the figure/graph and justified to the left.
Images from individuals are only accepted when necessary for the understanding of the article. If you use a figure in which the individual is identifiable you must obtained a permission (free and informed consent) and sent a copy to RPTF. If the picture allows a obvious identification of the individual, it may not be accepted. In case of doubt, the final decision will be made by the direction of RPTF.
Drawings and graphics
Drawings and graphics must be sent in vector format (AI, EPS) or bitmap file with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. The font used in drawings and graphs must be Arial. Images should be submitted in separate files as supplementary documents in reproduction conditions, according to the order in which they are discussed in the text. The images must be provided regardless of the text.
Use of symbols and abbreviations
The use of symbols should follow the international rules, for example, the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Do not use abbreviations or acronyms in the title or abstract and limit their use in the text. If it is necessary to resort to unconsecrated abbreviations, they should be defined on first use, in full, followed by the abbreviation in brackets. Do not place dots in abbreviations.
Units of Measurement
Measurements of length, height, weight and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples and temperatures must be given in Celsius degrees (º C).
For more information see the conversion table "Units of Measure" on the website of the AMA Style Manual.
Product names
Use the name of non-commercial devices or other product unless the trade name is essential to the discussion.
Images: Number all images (pictures, graphs, charts, photographs, illustrations) in the order of citation in the text and marked in Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig 1, Table 1). Include a title/caption for each image (one brief phrase, preferably under 10-15 words)
The procedures are governed by the following plan:
1. The corresponding author will receive notification of receipt of the manuscript by mail address;
2. The submitted manuscript will be first reviewed by the RPTF Editor-in-chief and Editor Contents to check if it is in accordance with the standards of publication and fits in editorial policy. The paper may be refused at this stage, without sending it to the peer reviewers. It may also be asked by the corresponding author the missing elements and/or some corrections.
3. The direction of the RPTF will send the manuscript to at least two reviewers for assessment according to the following criteria: originality, timeliness, clarity of writing, appropriate study method, valid data, and appropriate conclusions supported by the data, importance, significance and contribution to the scientific knowledge of the area. The RPTF follows a rigorous single- blind peer review (external to the magazine). The identity of the reviewers is confidential. The manuscript and all associated details are kept confidential by the RPTF Editor-in-chief and all persons involved in the review process.
4. Reviewers should, within four weeks, respond to the editor indicating their comments on the manuscript subject to revision based on three criteria:
a) Accept with no suggestion of change;
b) Accepted after modifications (indicating the suggestions);
c) Refused (optionally indicating the reason for non-acceptance ).
5. Within 15 days after the receipt of the opinions of the reviewers, the Director shall inform authors of the decision by resubmitting the article with comments from reviewers, if applicable.
6. The authors have 20 days to submit a new revised version of the manuscript, including the changes recommended by the RPTF reviewers and the direction. When changes are proposed, the author must submit, within 20 days , an e- mail to the RPTF Director of answering all the questions and attaching a revised version of the article with the inserted changes highlighted with a different color.
7. The RPTF direction has 30 days to make the decision on the new version: accept or reject the article in the new version, or submit it to one or more external reviewers whose opinion may or may not coincide with those resulting from first review. If the manuscript is resubmitted for external review, the reviewers have four weeks to send their comments and suggestions as to their acceptance or rejection for publication.
8. In case of acceptance, in any of the previous phases, the same will be communicated to the corresponding author. When the article is accepted for publication it is mandatory the sending via email of a scanned document (“Authorship form"), signed by all authors, with the responsibility of authorship, criteria, and contributions; conflicts of interest, financing and sharing of the rights of authorship with the RPTF.
The (name) follows the criteria for authorship of the "International Commitee of Medical Journal Editors' (ICMJE). All designated as authors should have participated significantly in the work to take public responsibility for the content and credit of authorship (Appendix 1).
9. After acceptance for publication and completion of the whole process of refereeing the RPTF direction sends the final article for review to the Authors, but without the final numbering. The authors have five days to review the text and report any typographical errors. At this stage, the authors cannot make any substantive changes to the article, beyond corrections of typographical errors and/or spelling.
It is not permitted, in particular, changes to data tables or graphics, text background, etc.
After the authors’ response, or if there is no response after the lapse of five days, the paper is considered completed for editing.
The RPTF publishes changes, amendments or retractions to an article previously published. Changes after the publication will take the form of errata.
Any questions should be submitted at RPTF revista.científica@aptf.org